Sales and promotion solutions for the Japanese market
When entering a new market, it is important to understand the differences from the original market and to build the suitable strategy in order to avoid crucial mistakes that can be avoided.
We believe that there is no “one solution to all”, and that unique brands demand creative and unique strategies for a powerful launch and a long term successful business.
Our flow of work starts with understanding the client’s needs and wishes first, then explore the market for the best opportunity fit to the brand, launching a campaign and creating a smooth follow up for which ever route we take together.
Let us find out together the best solution for you and your brand at
Joint ventures in a special environment

Japan in a special environment. People say it is the diamond of Asia, and as such it can be a great antenna to branch out to other counties. Succeed in Japan and you could more easily enter Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and China.
We can help you open a new company in Japan, find proficient stuff and building your business with local partners here to support your every need.
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Multi-Level Marketing solutions from A to Z

Japan is known as one of the best markets for social marketing also known as network marketing or MLM. It can be a long-lasting market for your brand but also holds many challenges.
We can help you from approving your products to holding a stock, picking and packing tens of thousands of packages a month and controlling a customer service center.
Let us know your ideas and thoughts and we will build an order made plan for your brand success in Japan.
Finding a distributor versus distributing yourself

The Japanese market is a complicated place with aging population that holds great opportunities to the right efforts.
Your brand might be suitable for a sole distributor cooperation or might be more successful using various distribution channels and collaborating with few different companies instead of one alone.
We can help you evaluate your chance and opportunity in the market to get the best ROI for your money and time. We want to fulfill your dream and to do it wisely without excessive investments.
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We have rich volumes of data on what kind of product is in demand now, as well as what product, and through what market, reaches consumers the most.
We can prepare a detailed market research for your brand, finding the competitors brands and market share, so we can set the correct pricing for your brand in the Japanese market, create a competitive and unique product explanation to differentiate your brand from others and start with an edge.

Each brand and each product hold a great chance for success, if introduced in the correct media. The Japanese market is divided to segments that reach different customers in different market layers and choosing the suitable one for your brand is of outmost importance for your success. With our own experience with department stores, select shops, mail-order catalogs, tv shopping channels, variety shops, drugstores and others, we can also introduce you to such outlets and explain the differences between each one.

One of the strongest sales medias these days is the internet. We can help you translate your website to Japanese and adjust the graphics to have better impact in the market.
We can easily open and manage for you an online Amazon shop, as well as Rakuten shop or other available medias such as Yahoo shopping, @cosme shop and others. After opening the shop, we can promote it and take care of all needed logistics. It can be a great and cost-effective way to work in the Japanese market.

The internet and social media are wonderful ways to promote cosmetics brands in an effective way. We can help you translate your Facebook page, create a local buzz for your brand with our network of beauty bloggers, launch social campaigns to get awareness for your brand and products and use our vast knowledge to find new and creative solutions in today’s Online environment.

Exhibitions are a great way to come face to face with buyers, distributors, shop owners and other possible partners in a new market. Opening a booth without the right preparation however, can be a sure way to spend money in vain.
We have been helping numerous companies successfully entering the Japanese market by joining a local beauty exhibition and do it in the correct way.
We will help you prepare the printed materials in Japanese to best explain your brand, we will help you design if needed and build up your booth in the exhibition. We will send you a proficient stuff to support your efforts in the venue. And the most important- we will help you with swift and professional Japanese follow up on your leads in Japan.

Our network contains among others, the department stores and real estate managers who are always looking for the next big thing.
We have unique opportunity to open POP-UP shops for a short term of 2-6 months period. It is a wonderful way to get on hand experience with customers’ reaction to your brand as well as a starting point for finding distributors and investors for opening shop chains in Japan.
Our team include expert shop manager with experience in opening and managing successful beauty stores in Japan.

We have the knowhow to launch PR events for your brand and get exposure and local newspapers talking about your products. We can add your brand to beauty contests, fashion shows and other PR events and earn the credibility of a strong brand in Japan.
We can build a PR program using many kinds of resources in the Japanese market maintaining online and off-line presence that best explain and show your brand.

You might already have few contacts in Japan. You might have leads from exhibitions or other efforts you took. You might also have a client in Japan that suddenly disappeared or does not answer your mail.
No matter what is the case we can help your follow up in Japanese. We have experience in communications between Japanese and the rest of the world. Our team can communicate in six different languages and can facilitate your every need in regarding to the Japanese market.
Feel free to challenge us with unique propositions and difficult situations.